
The advantages of fiber optic gyroscope


The fiber optic gyroscope is a sensitive element based on the optical fiber coil, and the light emitted by the laser diode propagates along the optical fiber in two directions. The difference of light propagation path determines the angular displacement of the sensitive element.

Working principle:

The realization of the fiber optic gyroscope is mainly based on the theory of Segnick: when the light beam travels in a circular channel, if the circular channel itself has a rotational speed, then the time required for the light to travel along the direction of rotation of the channel is more than the time required to travel along the opposite direction of the channel. That is to say, when the optical loop rotates, in different directions of travel, the optical path of the optical loop will change relative to the optical path of the loop at rest. Using this change in the optical path, the phase difference or interference fringe change of the two optical paths can be detected, and the rotation angular speed of the optical path can be measured, which is the working principle of the fiber optic gyroscope.

Fiber optic gyroscope is a all solid optical gyroscope, its main advantages are as following:

The advantages of fiber optic gyroscope.JPG

1. without moving parts, the device is stable, impact resistance and it is insensitive to carrier acceleration.

2. Simple structure, less parts, price of medium.

3. The start time is short (in principle can be started instantaneously).

4. High sensitivity and high resolution (up to 10rad/s).

5. It can be directly connected with the computer by digital output.

6. The wide dynamic range (around 2000°/s).

7. The long service life, stable and reliable signal.

8. It is easy to adopt integrated optics technology.

9. To overcome the negative effects brought by thelaser gyro locking phenomenon.

10.It can be combined with a ring laser gyro to form a strapless inertial system.


1. Nautical applications

With the development of fiber optic gyro technology and the improvement of commercialization level, fiber optic gyro has become a new member of Marine communication equipment, and has been applied in commercial and military ships and Marine equipment. The rotation axis of the fiber optic gyrocompass based on the strapdown inertial navigation system corresponds to the three axes of the ship's coordinate system. It can not only be used as a high-precision heading information source to realize automatic north finding and north pointing, but also obtain reliable data such as heading rotation rate, transverse and pitch Angle and heading rotation rate, further promoting the automated development of the ship. It ensures the maneuvering effect of the ship and the safety of navigation.

2. Civilian applications

In the civil field, it mainly focuses on the application of middle and low precision fiber optic gyroscope, the main applications are: automatic navigation, positioning and orientation of ground vehicles, vehicle control; Attitude control of agricultural aircraft, sowing and spraying pesticides; Locating tools and rescue tools for damaged power lines, pipelines and communication optical (electrical) cables during underground project maintenance; It is used for geodetic survey, mineral exploration and production, oil exploration, oil drilling guidance, tunnel construction and other positioning and path survey, and the use of fiber optic gyro rotation Angle and line displacement to achieve dam slope measurement.

3. Aerospace and space applications

High precision interferometric fiber optic gyroscopes are generally used in aerospace and space applications. IFOG is the strapdown inertial navigation system with the main inertial component, which can provide the aircraft with three-dimensional angular velocity, position, Angle of attack and side-slip Angle, realize the tracking and measurement of rocket launch, and can also be used for space vehicle stability, photography/mapping, attitude measurement control, motion compensation, EO/FLIR stability, navigation and flight control, etc. The combination of fiber optic gyro and GPS with high accuracy and reliability has become a typical configuration of spacecraft attitude determination system at home and abroad.

4. Military applications

Fiber optic gyro has been widely used in military because of its advantages in angular rate and acceleration measurement and in dynamic range, sensitivity and reliability. Can be used for tank, submarine, self-propelled artillery, armored assault vehicle positioning, orientation and navigation; When satellite navigation can not get accurate information due to strong electronic interference, fiber optic gyro can be used to ensure autonomous navigation, precise guidance and accurate target hitting of aircraft. At the same time, the FOG component is also an important part of the aviation fire control system, which can be used for the stability of the aiming line and the firing line of weapon systems such as gunships, to ensure that the weapon is searched, aimed, tracked and fired in motion. In addition, fiber optic gyro is also the only effective underwater navigation technology, which can be used for submarine positioning, orientation and navigation.

More Technical Questions

1.Do You Know Fiber Optic Gyroscope and Its Typical Applications?

2.Specifications and Features of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes

3.Application of Fiber Optic Gyroscope

4.Do You Know Fiber Optic Gyroscope and Its Typical Applications?

5.Application of Fiber Optic Gyroscope in North Seeking System

6.Application of Fiber Optic Gyroscope North Finder

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