
What Performance is the FOG sensor in FOG North Finder

FOG North Seeker Applied in Coal Mining

1.Application Products

ER-FNS-03 Low Cost 3 Axis FOG North Seeker

2.1 Triaxial Fiber Optic Gyro

2.1.1 Performance Indicators

Table 1 Performance requirements of fiber optic gyroscope

No Indicator Value
1 Operating temperature (℃) -45~+75
2 Start time τ (s) ≤5
3 Dynamic range (° / s) ≥±400
4 Zero-bias stability (1σ,/h) (100s Standard Deviation) ≤0.3
5 Zero bias repeatability (1σ,/h) ≤0.3
6 Random walk coefficient (°/ √h) ≤0.03
7 Non-linearity of scale factor (ppm) ≤100
8 Asymmetry of the scale factor (ppm) ≤100
9 Repeatability of scale factor (ppm) ≤100
10 Extreme temperature scale factor (ppm) ≤200
11 Bandwidth (Hz) ≥200

2.1.2 Interface Protocol

Table 2 FOG interface communication protocol

Data frame Output Data Edition First edition
Frame description
Content Types Asynchronous serial data frame
source Fiber Optic Gyro
Standards compliant RS-422; baud rate 614400bits / s; 1bit start bit, 8bit data bit without parity, 1bit stop bit
Update rate 400Hz
Element Signal name Signal description
1 Head of

Gyro data

2 0x90
3 Gyro Data 4-byte 32-bit signed integer, character 3 is the lowest 8 bits, and character 6 is the highest 8 bits. Negative data are in two's complement form. The scale factor is: 1
4 Gyro Data 4-byte 32-bit signed integer, character 3 is the lowest 8 bits, and character 6 is the highest 8 bits. Negative data are in two's complement form. The scale factor is: 1
5 Gyro Data 4-byte 32-bit signed integer, character 3 is the lowest 8 bits, and character 6 is the highest 8 bits. Negative data are in two's complement form. The scale factor is: 1
6 Gyro Data 4-byte 32-bit signed integer, character 3 is the lowest 8 bits, and character 6 is the highest 8 bits. Negative data are in two's complement form. The scale factor is: 1
7 Reservation Fill in 00;
8 Reservation Fill in 00;
9 Reservation Fill in 00;
10 Reservation Fill in 00;
11 Reservation Fill in 00;
12 Reservation Fill in 00;
13 Reservation Fill in 00;
14 Reservation Fill in 00;
15 Temp/condition Temperature calculation formula: output according to standard 18B20, the negative number of data is in two's complement form. The scale factor is: 1/16 (the output code value is multiplied by the scale factor to obtain the temperature in Celsius)
16 Status: 0 ~ 3, update period: 1ms
17 15,16 data description State 0: gyro temperature; 1: reserved; 2: reserved; 3: working state
18 Cycle count The value of each packet of data is increased by 1, and after 255, the next packet of data is 0;;
19 Checksum After accumulating characters from 3 to 18, take the lower 8 bits as the checksum

2.1.3 Power Supply

Power supply type: + 5V -5V GND

Power quality: ± 5%, ripple 20mv

Power (3 way):

Transient: + 5V: 5.0W; -5V: 2.0W

Steady state: + 5V: 3.0W; -5V: 1.5W

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