
Two Arrows In One Day 'six Arrows In One Star'

At 10:55 on December 7, with a loud noise, China successfully launched the "Jilin-1" high-scoring 02B satellite at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center using the Clipper-1A carrier rocket.

The satellite is a new type of optical remote sensing satellite independently developed by Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. The biggest feature is high-speed data transmission, large width and high resolution. It is said that after being sent into space, the satellite will be networked with 14 previously launched "Jilin-1" satellites to provide better and more professional services for this purpose. Better serve our country's forest agricultural environment and avoid some unexpected situations. This launch is also the eighth launch of the Jilin No. 1 satellite project.

What is even more surprising is that just after the "Jilin One" was just sent into space. At 4:52 in the afternoon of the same day, Tianqi-4 A / B satellite, Tianyi 16/17 satellite, and "Hede-2" A / B satellite were successfully lifted off by "one stone, six stars". This is the first time that China has launched two launch missions in one day. It is also the fifth launch of the No. 1 A launch vehicle this year. I have to say it's not easy.

It may be said that everyone is not very familiar with the No. 1 A launch vehicle. Its launch method is different from the launch methods of other rockets we know. Most of the rocket launches we see are carried out on launch towers. However, the fast boat No. 1A used the launch method of a motor vehicle. More flexibility, of course, the requirements for rocket performance are also higher. From this we can see that China's development in the aerospace field has achieved very good results, and it will get better and better in the future.

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