
Laser Gyros Need to Break Through the Main Technologies

The main technical principles that laser gyros need to break out are drift, noise, and blocking thresholds.

1. Drift

The drift of the laser gyro exhibits the instability of the zero offset. The main sources of error are: the refractive index of the resonant optical path has anisotropy, the flow of the helium plasma in the laser tube, and the anisotropy of the medium diffusion.

2. Noise

Laser gyro noise manifests itself in angular velocity measurements. The noise mainly comes from two aspects: The first is the spontaneous emission of the laser medium, which is the quantum limit of the laser gyro noise. The second is that the mechanical dithering is the biasing technique adopted by most laser gyros. When the dithering motion changes direction, the dithering angle rate is low, and in a short time, below the latching threshold, the input signal will be lost and the output signal phase will be caused. Random change of angle.

3. Blocking threshold

The blocking threshold will affect the linearity and stability of the laser gyro scale factor. The latching threshold depends on the loss in the resonant optical path. The lossy laser gyro of the reflector is a new type of navigation instrument developed on the basis of the principle of optical interference, and is the ideal main component of the new generation of strapdown inertial navigation system. The projected object is precisely positioned. The quartz flexible pendulum accelerometer is a sensitive element made of fused silica. The flexible pendulum structure is equipped with a feedback amplifier and a temperature sensor for measuring the linear acceleration along one axis of the carrier.

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