
China First Autonomous Navigation Cargo Ship Doudouyun 0 Makes Its First Voyage

At 9 o'clock on December 15th, as a whistle sounded, "Doudou Cloud 0" set sail from Dong'ao Island, Zhuhai, Guangdong. It loaded the island's special products and sailed to Pier 1 of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Carrying. It is reported that this is the first domestically researched and developed cargo ship capable of autonomous navigation.

The "Doudou Cloud 0" autonomous cargo ship was developed by Yunhang Intelligent, and several remote control and autonomous navigation tests have been completed before the first flight. More than 70 experts and professors, including academicians from both academies, attended the inaugural ceremony.

Yan Xinping, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that “Doudou Cloud 0” is an important platform to promote the technological advancement and industrial development of intelligent ships. The development process of shipping greets the advent of the era of intelligent shipping.

"By reducing the number of pilots until unmanned autonomous navigation is achieved, a breakthrough in ship design and construction can be achieved," said Cai Yuliang, director of the China Classification Society's Science and Technology Innovation Test Center. R & D, testing, and standard-setting are extremely groundbreaking. Under the same load capacity, it saves more than 20% of construction costs, 20% of operating costs, while reducing fuel consumption by 15% and significantly reducing emissions.

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