
China Aerospace Ushers In ‘Super 2020’

On January 17, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation issued the Blue Book on China's Aerospace Science and Technology Activities (2019). The reporter learned from the press conference that in 2019, a total of 102 space launch missions were carried out worldwide, ranking the second highest since 1991; a total of 492 spacecraft were launched, a record high. Among them, China has completed 34 space launches, ranking first in the world for two consecutive years; it has launched 81 spacecraft, ranking second in the world.

2020 is the key year for China to fully launch the construction of a space power. According to Shang Zhi, Minister of Astronautics of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group, the group is expected to exceed 40 aerospace launches throughout the year, launching more than 60 spacecraft, showing heavy missions and high launch density.

In 2020, space station construction, Beidou global networking, the third phase of the lunar exploration project, and the first Mars exploration will be unveiled in succession in China. Xichang Satellite Launch Center will also officially launch the high-density launch from Xichang to the high-density launch sites of Xichang and Wenchang A new pattern of space launches in parallel. At the beginning of the new year, scientific and technological workers are taking the lead in spelling and are preparing for China ’s aerospace “Super 2020”.

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