
The Application of INS

Inertial Navigation System (INS) is an autonomous navigation device that can continuously, in real-time provide information such as position, attitude, and speed of the carrier. The feature is that it does not rely on outside information, and is not subject to climatic conditions and external interference factors.

The inertial navigation and control system was originally applied to aerospace, ground, and maritime military users. It is a core technology product of modern defense systems and is widely used in defense, such as aircraft, missiles, ships, submarines, and tanks. With the reduction of cost and the increase of demand, inertial navigation technology has been extended to commercial fields such as geodetic survey, resource surveying, geophysical surveying, ocean exploration, railways, and tunnels. It has also been widely used in robots, cameras, and children's toys.

The purpose and method of using inertial sensors in different fields are almost the same, but the requirements for device performance are different. From the aspect of precision, the aerospace and navigation fields require high precision and the continuous working time is long. From the perspective of system life, satellites, space stations and other spacecrafts have the highest requirements because they cannot be replaced or repaired after being launched; guided weapons The shortest system life requirements, but may need to meet the requirements of long-term readiness. In areas such as military applications, reliability requirements are high.

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