
Integral gyroscope

Removing the torsion bar (or spring) of the rate gyroscope and leaving only the damper becomes an integral gyroscope. When the aircraft has an angular velocity around the input gyro input shaft, the initial condition is the same as the rate gyro, and the rotor is precessed around the output shaft. The damping torque generated by the damper in turn causes the rotor to precess around the input shaft. Since the damping torque is proportional to the angular velocity, the rotor continues to rotate about the output shaft (no torsion bar constraint), and its rotational speed is proportional to the angular velocity of the aircraft, so that the angular sensor on the output shaft outputs a signal proportional to the angle of the aircraft. Since the input is an angular velocity and the output is an angle signal, it is called an integral gyroscope. It is widely used in inertial navigation

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