
Fiber Optic Gyroscope Applications

Military application
Fiber optic gyroscopes have a wide range of military applications due to their superiority in angular rate and acceleration measurement and their significant advantages in dynamic range, sensitivity and reliability. It can be used for positioning, orientation and navigation of tanks, submarines, self-propelled artillery and armored assault vehicles. When satellite navigation is unable to obtain accurate information due to strong electronic interference, fiber optic gyroscopes can be used to ensure that the aircraft navigates autonomously, accurately guides and accurately hits the target. At the same time, the FOG component is also an important part of the aviation fire control system. It can be used to stabilize the line of sight and the shooting line of weapon systems such as armed helicopters, and to ensure that the weapons search, aim, track and shoot during the movement. In addition, the fiber optic gyroscope is also the only effective navigation technology underwater, which can be used for positioning, orientation and navigation of submarines.
Civil application
In the civilian field, the main focus is on the application of medium and low precision fiber optic gyroscopes. The main applications are: automatic navigation of ground vehicles, positioning and orientation, vehicle control; attitude control of agricultural aircraft, sowing and spraying pesticides; in underground engineering maintenance, looking for damage Positioning tools and rescue tools for power lines, pipelines, and communication optical (electrical) cable locations; positioning and path surveys for geodesy, mineral exploration, petroleum exploration, oil drilling guidance, tunnel construction, etc., and the use of fiber optic gyro rotation angles And line displacement to achieve dam inclination and so on.
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More Technical Questions

1. Classification Of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes

2. What are the characteristics of fiber optic gyroscopes?

3. Specifications and Features of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes

4. MEMS and FOG: How Should you Choose Inertial Navigation System?

5. Principle and Application of Fiber Optic Gyroscope

6. Operation of a Fiber Optic Gyroscope

Products in Article

Low Cost FOG Gyroscope
Low Cost FOG Gyroscope

Low Cost Fiber Optic Gyroscope
Low Cost Fiber Optic Gyroscope

Economical MEMS Gyroscope
Economical MEMS Gyroscope

Low Cost FOG Rate Gyroscope
Low Cost FOG Rate Gyroscope

High Precision FOG North Seeker
High Precision FOG North Seeker

Low Cost FOG INS for short term pure inertial navigation
Low Cost FOG INS

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